... зурган дээр дарж томруулан хараарай...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Монгол Улсын мөнгөн тэмдэгтүүд (дэлгэцийн зураг)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Нэг төгрөг
Сүүлийн үед томоохон дэлгүүр, супермаркетууд иргэдийн авсан барааны төлбөрийн хариултанд нэгтийн дэвсгэрт өгч байгааг анзаарсан байхаа. Нэгт, таютын дэвсгэрт өнөөдрийг хүртэл гүйлгээнд байгаа бөгөөд Монголбанк, арилжааны банкуудад дээрх дэвсгэртийн хангалт хийгдсэн учраас та хариултаа бүрэн авах боломжтой болжээ.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Snow Leopards-MPI 2008

Endangered Wildlife
Obverse | Reverse | Additional |
In captivity the lifespan can amount to 20 years and more. Unfortunately, as well as many other animals, the snow leopard belongs to the endangered animal species. Globally it is supposed that only 7000 free living animals still exist. The most of these live in China and Mongolia. In the Mongolian Steppe there are unfortunately not even one thousand animals left. Despite the setup of facilities for sanctuaries a constant reduction is registered. Regretfully the reason for the reduction is due to the illegal but lucrative fur hunt.
This collective coin shows cute snow leopard cubs in an elaborate MPI-technology. MPI stands for Minted Photo Image und once again shows the standard of top minting design. Amaze yourself with a mix of a 2-dimensional photo on a 3- dimensional relief.
More Information
[.pdf 281kb]
Snow Leopards-MPI 2008 |
Endangered Wildlife |
Art.-No.: | 23212 |
Country: | Mongolia |
Year: | 2008 |
Face value: | 500 Togrog |
Metal: | Silver .925 |
Weight: | 25 g |
Diameter: | 38.61 mm |
Quality: | Proof |
Mintage: | 2'500 pcs. |
Item L-GH-1 GOLDEN HORDE, BRONZE PUL 13th-15th century VG-crude $10.00
Item C-MANG SILVER JITAL OF MANGUBARNI, 1221-1224AD, VF-spots $7.50
Item S-MN-SET94 MONGOLIA 1994 4 COIN SET (KM122-125) UNC. $6.00
Mongolia Gold Coins
Mongolia Gold Coins 750 Tugrug - 1980 KM-040 - 18,79 g - 28,0 mm Edge - Reeded
Mintage - 0,032M
This NCLT "coin" was issued to commemorate the International Year of the Child. The obverse features the arms of the Mongolian Peoples' Republic with the date 1980 below the arms and the country's name MONGOLIA in English at the bottom. The reverse has a pair of Mongolian children dancing in indigenous apparel with the English legend INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE CHILD around the top, and legends in Mongol script flanking the image. The UN symbol is to the lower left and the logo for the IYC to the lower right. The denomination 750 TUGRUG is to the right in the modern Mongolian alphabet.
Mongolia’s 500-tugrik coin awarded Coin of the Year
An international panel made the selection in a second round of balloting that concluded in mid-January. The judges chose from among the winners of 10 categories determined by their first round of voting.
The award will be presented February 7 in a special ceremony at the World Money Fair in Berlin, Germany, by David C. Harper on behalf of World Coin News, sponsor of the award and a sister publication to Numismatic News.
"The judges had to be drawn to the eyes of the wolverine. They are quite compelling," Harper said about the Mongolian coin.
Mongolian coins
Since Mongolia has been transferred into free market economy
new coins have been introduced into money circulation.
Currently there are four different denominations of coins,
20, 50, 100 and 200 Togrog coins.
Although these coins were issued in 1994, they were put in circulation
only in 1998.
20 and 50 T coins are made of Aluminum. 20 Togrog and 50 Togrog are written in Cyrillic on the obverse sides of the coins. The smallest coin, 20T, has a diameter of 17.5 mm and weighs 0.78 gr. 50T coin weighs 1.68 gr. and has a diameter of 23.0 mm.
100 and 200T coins are made of Cupronickel and are heavier in weight, 3.84 gr. and 6.2 gr. Megjid Janraiseg Temple is engraved on the front side of the 100T coin which has a diameter of 22.0 mm. 200T coin displays the Government House on its obverse side and has diameter of 25.0 mm.
All the coins have the same design on their reverse sides,
Soyombo symbol is carved, and Mongolia and 1994 are written
in the Mongolian Traditional Script.
The other side of the coins displays Bank of Mongolia
in Cyrillic alphabet.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Монгол зоос дэлхийн шилдгээр шалгарлаа

Дэлхийн Шилдэг зоосыг жил бүр 10 төрлөөр нэр дэвшүүлэн сонгодог юм байна. Өнгөрсөн оны арванхоёрдугаар сарын 17-нд эдгээр 10 зоосыг нэрлэжээ. Харин эцсийн шалгаруулалт энэ сарын 12-ны өдөр болсон байна. Шилдэг арван зоост АНУ-ын гурав, Беларусын хоёр, Австри, Итали, Дани, Британи, Монголоос тус бүр нэг зоос орсон байна.
Шилдэг Мөнгөн Зоос төрөлд нэгдүгээр байрт орсон Монгол зоос хамгийн шилдэг зоосоор шалгарчээ.
Алмаазан нүдтэй мазаалайг дүрсэлсэн 500 төгрөгний зоос нь ан амьтныг хамгаалах утгатай аж.
Энэхүү зоос нь 2007 онд үйлдвэрлэгджээ. Шилдэг зоосны үзэсгэлэн ирэх сарын 7-нд Герман улсын Берлин хотноо болох бөгөөд энэ үеэр шилдэг зоосны шагналыг гардуулах юм байна.
Сонирхуулахад, өнгөрсөн жилийн шилдгийн шилдгээр Унгар улсын хувьсгалын 50 жилийн ойдоо зориулсан зоосон тэмдэгт шалгарч байжээ.